
Spotlight on Open Innovation in MAGICIAN at S3 event in Trento

On 8th May, University of Trento was invited to share its experiences on Open Innovation as SME support instrument in European projects at a regional event in Trento focusing on Smart Specialization (S3) areas. The event was organized by the Autonomous Province of Trento with the intention of encouraging exchange and collaboration between actors of the regional research and business ecosystem.

As part of the University’s activities in Open Innovation, Alessandro Rossi also introduced MAGICIAN’s Open Call Mechanism to regional companies, industries and research institutions, emphasizing the benefits for SMEs and start-ups and explaining the process steps. The presentation raised participants’ interest in the project and was followed by interesting and informal discussions on the project aims and expectations.

With around 100 participants, the event was a great success and encouraged discussion and exploration of possible cooperation points for joint innovation activities.

Find out more about our two Open Calls  here: Open calls | MAGICIAN (magician-project.eu)
More information on the event is available here: Open Innovation per imprese: arriva a Trento il tavolo tematico s3 (trentinosviluppo.it)


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