
Exploring MAGICIAN’s first automotive use case

24th January 2024
Bursa, Turkey

A visit to TOFAŞ automotive production site

To get a closer look into MAGICIAN’s automotive use case, the consortium partners Università di Trento, CRF, FORTH, Lund University, HWH and Altinay visited the TOFAŞ. automotive production site in Bursa, Turkey. At the production site, partners were able to see the location where MAGICIAN’s robotic solutions will be applied.

The aim of the visit was to understand in more detail how operations work which will be turned into autonomous processes through AI and robotic solutions in the project. Being present at the production facility also gave partners the opportunity to talk with workers and responsibles for different production areas.

The visit to TOFAŞ thus enabled partners to precisely define the use case, an important step for developing and testing MAGICIAN solutions at a later project stage.

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